2015: Recycle Rush

Recycle Rush was the name for the 2015 FRC competition. Here is a brief overview of of the challenge:
RECYCLE RUSH is a recycling-themed game designed for the 2015 FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). It is played by two Alliances of three Teams each. Alliances compete simultaneously to score points by stacking Totes on Scoring Platforms, capping those stacks with RecyclingContainers, and properly disposing of Litter, represented by pool noodles, in designated locations. In keeping with the recycling theme of the game, all scoring elements used are reusable or recyclable by teams in their home locations or by FIRST at the end of the season.
The 27 ft. by 54 ft. playing Field is bisected by a small Step which may not be climbed on or crossed by Robots. Thus each Alliance competes on their respective 26 ft. by 27 ft. side of the Field.
Each RECYCLE RUSH Match begins with a 15-second Autonomous Period in which Robots operate independently of their drivers. During this period, Robots attempt to move themselves, their Yellow Totes, and their Recycling Containers into the area between the scoring platforms, called the Auto Zone. Additional points are awarded if the Yellow Totes are arranged in a single stack.
During the remaining 2 minutes and 15 seconds of the Match, called the Teleop Period, Robots are controlled remotely by student drivers located behind the walls at the ends of the Field. Teams on an Alliance work together to place as many Totes on their Scoring Platforms as possible. Alliances earn additional points for Recycling Containers placed on the scored Totes, with Recycling Containers at greater heights earning more points.
Alliances also earn points for disposing of their Litter in either their Landfill Zone (the area next to the Step marked by the white line) or placing Litter in or on scored Recycling Containers. Alliances that unscored leave Litter on their side of the Field at the end of the match add points to the score of the other Alliance, as it is considered unprocessed and not properly disposed of.
Alliances have an opportunity to earn “Coopertition Points” by coordinating with the other Alliance in the Match. Coopertition Points are awarded if, at some point in the Match, there are at least four Yellow Totes on the Step simultaneously. Coopertition Points are doubled if the Alliances arrange at least four of those Yellow Totes in a single stack on the Step. Points for the Match are awarded based on the state of the scored objects at the end of the Match (with the exception of Coopertition Points, which can be earned at any point during the Match).
The password to decrypt the game manual is R3C3CL3RU$H2015
You can find a copy of the game manual (31-Dec-2014 version) here.